The term “Financial Planning” is tossed about in the financial services industry as if it's a byproduct of something else. This poses the question: “What is Financial Planning?” Explaining the process of Financial Planning might best be said by … [Read more...]
Life throws curve balls… that’s why we have insurance
Life throws us curve balls and sometimes life will “strike" you out… literally. Here’s what I mean; you’ve worked hard and your career is taking off. You married your sweetheart, have babies, bought that dream house, and are driving around in a … [Read more...]
Which tax benefit is best when buying annuities?
When it comes to understanding annuities, complexity is not the only issue, it’s just downright confusing. As a consumer, more than one challenge is before you. Not only is it difficult to make heads or tails of what you’re buying, but sifting … [Read more...]
Investing, working with advisors, and other things
Why it is important to know if you are working with a fiduciary… There's a big difference between the term “Registered Representative” and “Registered Investment Advisor.” Most are unaware of these differences. Registered Representative work for … [Read more...]
A Few Tips When Buying Life Insurance
Here's a few tips to help you make good decisions when buying life insurance. Life insurance is typically sold. I prefer you to be in the driver's seat and “buy” life insurance rather than be "sold" life insurance. These few tips will equip you … [Read more...]